Most employers wish there company could remain union free because unions stand up for the rights of employees and demand that their voice be heard. The only way to force a positive change in your workplace is for you and your co-workers to have representation from Teamsters Union Local 170. One employee all alone will be ignored, but when you and your co-workers organize with Teamsters Union Local 170 and become united, we will be able to negotiate a legally binding contract that includes better wages, affordable health care, a secure retirement and a safer workplace for all.
Members of Teamsters Union Local 170 understand that the only way to ensure job security and protect the future of their families is to negotiate a legally binding union contract. When you and your co-workers negotiate a union contract, your wages and benefits will be part of the negotiating process. When was the last time that your boss asked you for your input when it came to your review?
The rights and benefits in a legally binding contract cannot be reversed once they are agreed upon. The Teamsters will fight to get you and your family the compensation you deserve. The rights outlined in the contract cannot be altered without your approval. Therefore, as an example if the contract states that you are entitled to two full weeks of vacation a year, you are able to take those vacation days off without negotiating on an individual basis with management.
The members of the Teamsters Union understand that the only way to ensure job security and protect the future of their families is to negotiate a legally binding union contract.